Cardinal John Njue

“Indeed, this new form of Social Impact Investing is truly an empowering tool for the Church in Africa…”

This was part of the letter from Cardinal John Njue, then-Archbishop of Nairobi in Kenya, to Pope Francis, bringing to the attention of Pope Francis this initiative, which was then still incubated within the Pontifical Mission Societies before becoming an independent entity.

“For too long, our beloved Church in Africa has depended almost entirely on donations,” Cardinal Njue wrote. “While we remain forever grateful for this kind cooperation, it is important that the Church in Africa grow in self-reliance and healthy inter-dependence. By engaging the vast network of Church personnel, especially our young seminarians. and by utilizing existing resources such as Church-owned land, the Church is playing its part as a witness and as a protagonist in the aid and development of God’s people on our Continent.”

Read the whole letter at this link.

Finance for a Better World

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